Peering Policy

Company: IPv4Guard

Publication Date: [Date]

Review Date: [Date]

1. Objective

The peering policy of IPv4Guard aims to establish guidelines for interconnections with other networks to improve network efficiency and resilience.

2. Peering Criteria

2.1 Technical Criteria

  • Peering requests must use a public ASN.
  • The minimum recommended bandwidth is [2] Gbps.
  • Connections should be established at a minimum of [1] different interconnection points.

2.2 Commercial Criteria

  • **Free Peering:** IPv4Guard offers peering free of charge to qualified partners, with no setup fees or recurring charges.
  • **Minimum Traffic Volume:** Partners must exchange a minimum traffic volume of [x] Gbps on average to qualify for peering.
  • **Geographic Presence:** Partners should have a presence in at least [number] locations where IPv4Guard operates.
  • **DDoS Protection:** IPv4Guard provides robust anti-DDoS protection through its uplinks, including up to 17TB with Path Networks and 1.5TB with Voxility.
  • **Business Compatibility:** Potential peers should have business models or objectives compatible with those of IPv4Guard, promoting mutual benefit and cooperation.
  • **Contractual Agreement:** Both parties must enter into a written peering agreement, outlining the terms and conditions of the partnership.

BGP Filtering Policy

The BGP filtering policy ensures network security and stability by outlining acceptable routing practices and filtering strategies.

1. Objectives

The objectives of the BGP filtering policy are to:

  • Maintain network security and prevent route leaks.
  • Ensure the stability of inter-domain routing.
  • Implement best practices for BGP filtering.

2. BGP Filtering Criteria

  • Filter prefixes that exceed a maximum length of /[prefix_length].
  • Implement prefix-list and AS-path filters for all BGP sessions.
  • Use RPKI to validate prefixes and reject invalid announcements.